Ride Guidelines

Sunday Club Rides

Shipston Cycling Club organises group rides every Sunday meeting at the Shipston Leisure Centre.

There are normally 3 riding groups all leaving at 0930. All groups stop for refreshment at a set venue but will set their own pace. The objective is a social ride along with a fair bit of exercise.

For those who are beginners, returning after a lay off  or want a more relaxed ride we suggest riding with the C group which is a slower pace and usually a shorter route.

Just a bit more information to make your cycle rides more enjoyable. We are not a club with endless rules and regulations, but there are some things that need to be considered to make everyone’s cycling a good experience.

Sunday Ride Generic Risk Assessment

Group ride Guidance

Group Riding Video – See this video from British Cycling​ that explains group riding  Here


1.     Follow the Highway Code at all times – it applies to ALL road-users. 
2.     It is a Club Rule that well-fitted cycling helmets must be worn on Club rides.
3.     Ensure your bike is road-worthy, the brakes are fully operational and that your tyres are pumped up to an appropriate pressure for the road conditions and weather. 
4.     For winter riding, fit mudguards with a mudflap to protect yourself and the person behind you from water and mud spray, which can be a hazard 
5.     Bring puncture kit, tyre levers, inner tubes, pump, multi-tool, waterproof jacket, food, water/energy drink, money, mobile, contact details in emergency. 
6.     Dress in appropriate clothing for the weather. 
7.     When cycling in dull and/or foggy conditions, at dusk or at night, wear appropriate reflective bright clothing and ensure you have working lights.
8.     Carry at all times ICE (In Case of Emergency) details and hold their own insurance from for example, British Cycling.

Group Riding

9.    When conditions permit, cycle a maximum of two abreast in close parallel lines, focus on keeping it neat and tidy
10.  Ride directly behind the rider in front of you. 
11.  Lead cyclists to navigate and point out hazards in the road by either shouting or using hand signals, preferably both. Listen to them and act on the calls.
12.  Be prepared on small or busy roads to ride in single file; the inside riders to make space for outside riders to pull into the side.
13.  Riders at the back of the pack to shout “Car back, single file” if there are vehicles behind. Listen and act on their call
14.  Calls “Car Back” thereʼs a car approaching from the back of the group ride “Car Front“: thereʼs a car approaching from the front of the group ride. 
15.  Cover your brakes when appropriate but always when in close formation. 
16.  Brake as gently and smoothly as you safely can when riding in a pack, calling out “Slowing” or  “Stopping.” 
17.  When on the front keep pedalling, this is particularly important going downhill. If you freewheel everyone behind may have to brake. 
18.  Point out with hand signals and shouts, all potholes, manhole covers and other dangers in the road that could cause a puncture or an accident.
19.  If you are at the back of the group and you, or someone else is being dropped, it is your responsibility to call to the cyclists in front that the pace is too 
       high. The pack must communicate this up to the front. The lead cyclists will not be aware if you start to drop off. Ask them to slow down; it is your ride too.  
20.  When asked to “ease up’ or “slow a little” do not brake suddenly. Gently ease your pace by pedalling less hard or freewheeling for a moment. Look at your speedo 
       if someone is being dropped you probably only need to reduce your speed by one mile an hour to allow them to stay on.
21.  Keep the pace smooth and constant, keeping the pack as a compact unit. 
22.  Slow right down when passing horses, and pass them as wide as it is safe to do so. Always call to the horse riders well ahead of catching them – a cheery “Good
        morning” or “Hello”. Keep calling until the riders indicate they know you are there. They may want to turn the horse so it can see you. 
23.  If you are on the front, remember that people are following your calls. Stop at T junctions and only pull out when it is safe for the whole group to make the
. If you decide to pull out on a roundabout or junction, you need to call “Clear”, – or “Wait” – to warn the pack of hazards.